Alexander McQueen does the combat trouser right:
You can play around with other combat trousers, even attempt to buy surplus and get them altered. I’ll venture a guess though and say even at skilled-Asian-lady-who-inexpensively-alters-like-a-finely-tuned-matcha-powered-machine prices, all the details you’ll want duplicated on these trouser are going to run you a grip. In addition to the high cost of labor, you’ll also run the risk of being judged by her for not having your priorities straight – Whoa whoa easy there, I thought we had an arrangement? You take care of the alterations I’ll take care of the looking good.
£485 ($774 USD) over at Oki-Ni. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m done saying I’m done playing. When I need combat trousers I’m hollering at my dude Alex McQueen for the hookup.